One Long River of Song

“Astonishing… gorgeous… Doyle was a writer ‘made of love and song and amusement.’ Every living thing intrigued him and was worthy of his powerful capacity for study and his equally powerful capacity for celebration.” ~Margaret Renkl, New York Times

We at Ships of Hagoth want to promote creative works that engage spiritual or otherwise theological themes[1]If you’ve looked around this site much, you’ll see that we have a very broad definition of what this might constitute. and LDS culture in fresh, inventive ways regardless of the religious or cultural background of that work’s author(s). So send your reviews[2]Ships of Hagoth reviews should be enjoyable to read, discussing the work in question in a creative, substantive way. and recommendations to

Full disclaimer: the “Get it Here” buttons will generally be Amazon affiliate links, which means we’re hoping your reviews will also help us make friends with mammon.[3]This does not mean we’ll only post glowing reviews designed merely to “move product”.

Also, at present, we have expenses to defray and no money to share, so your compensation for writing a review for us will merely be in the satisfaction of seeing your work published on a site that may or may not be capable of garnering any respect (or even attention) on your behalf.


1 If you’ve looked around this site much, you’ll see that we have a very broad definition of what this might constitute.
2 Ships of Hagoth reviews should be enjoyable to read, discussing the work in question in a creative, substantive way.
3 This does not mean we’ll only post glowing reviews designed merely to “move product”.