“Christmas” from Tommy, by The Who [Annotated Readings]
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
Here you’ll find literary work written from diverse theological (and even atheological) perspectives, all reimagined and annotated as if they were LDS-authored texts. We hope playfully exploring the world’s “best books” in this way, unfettered by authorial intent, will help Latter-day Saints express their own peculiar mythos by dramatically expanding the models they can work from.
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
Just like Autumn leaves/we’re in for change…
Re-writing TS Eliot’s notorious endnotes with the same cheeky sense of humor that Eliot used when he wrote them in the first place.
I am I am.
Dedicated to the Angel Moroni.
Seeking further light and knowledge from their 2007 album Sky Blue Sky.
Don’t do to me what you did to America…
Stand-out track from perhaps the most legendary unfinished album of the 20th century.
From their critically acclaimed 2008 album Dear Science.
We were strangers, and we were pilgrims
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