Carolyn’s Fingers, by Cocteau Twins [Annotated Readings]
Just what are these lyrics anyways?!
Here you’ll find literary work written from diverse theological (and even atheological) perspectives, all reimagined and annotated as if they were LDS-authored texts. We hope playfully exploring the world’s “best books” in this way, unfettered by authorial intent, will help Latter-day Saints express their own peculiar mythos by dramatically expanding the models they can work from.
Just what are these lyrics anyways?!
I got the feeling that something’s goin’ wrong…
This rage that lasts a thousand years…
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls, It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola…
In memoriam Tom Verlaine (1949-2023).
Here we are[1]Yes, let us let the premier gay man in Rock teach us our own Gospel! I can think of no better tribute to
Out here in the fields[1]A line I would sometime sing to myself when I was a missionary myself; the song predates my existence upon this
For the impending end of the year.
Time is the Great Destroyer.
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
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