Until the End of the World, by U2 [Annotated Readings]
For your Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday.
Here you’ll find literary work written from diverse theological (and even atheological) perspectives, all reimagined and annotated as if they were LDS-authored texts. We hope playfully exploring the world’s “best books” in this way, unfettered by authorial intent, will help Latter-day Saints express their own peculiar mythos by dramatically expanding the models they can work from.
For your Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday.
Acclaimed single from their 2002 album “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots,” of which a 20th anniversary box set came out just over a year ago.
Everything’s going to be OK…
Could’ve sworn it was judgment day
On Henry Kissinger, Noam Chomsky, and Hugh Nibley
Let us remember that brief moment at the turn of the millennium, before they reinvented themselves as a Political Punk Band, when it looked like Green Day was going consent to age gracefully.
O grave, where is thy victory?
Stand-out track from their 2008 album “Attack and Release.”
Hoping the end will start it all again
Efficiency and progress is ours once more
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