Essays, Poetry

Translation I


Jake Clayson

God so loved the world, that he gave
His only begotten Son, who received
not of the fullness at first, but
continued from grace to grace,
until he received a fullness,

that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have eternal life
and, in due time, receive of his fulness.

For we are the children of God:
and if children, then heirs—
heirs of God, and joint-heirs
with Christ if we suffer long
with him, even until we are
glorified in truth and knowing
all things, and are filled

with humble, teachable charity,
being neither easily provoked
nor rejoicing in iniquity, but

rejoicing in the truth,
bearing all things,
believing all things,
hoping all things,
enduring all things—

given these sayings that we
may understand and know how
to worship what we worship,

that we may come unto the Father
in his name, and in due time
receive of his fulness.

Wherefore, my beloved,
pray unto the Father with all
the energy of heart, that ye
may be filled with the light of love
and truth, which he hath

bestowed upon all who are true
followers of his Son, Jesus Christ;
that ye may become the children
of God; that when he shall appear
we shall be like him and as one
in him as he is in the Father, and
shall therefore see him as he is;

that we may have this hope;
that we may be purified
even as he is pure. Amen.
