Recommended Reading

Jake Clayson

Items we have cited and/or love. Most of them come from BYU’s Mormon Literature Database, which is an excellent resource. Sorry for the disorder of the list–this site is still under construction–but they are roughly in the order we recommend you read them.

Orson F. Whitney, Home Literature

Eugene England, “Great Books or True Religion? Defining the Mormon Scholar” Dialogue (Winter 1974)

Bruce W. Jorgensen, “To Tell and Hear Stories: Let the Stranger Say.”

Richard Cracroft, “Attuning the Authentic Mormon Voice: Stemming the Sophic Tide in LDS Literature.”

Gideon Burton, “Should We Ask, ‘Is this Mormon Literature?’: Towards a Mormon Criticism.”

Michael Austin, “How to Be a Mormo-American; Or, the Function of Mormon Criticism at the Present Time”

Richard P. Rust, “‘Virtuous, Lovely, or of Good Report’: Thoughts on a Latter-day Saint Literary Criticism”

Richard Cracroft, Neal Lambert, A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-day Saints (Introduction)